Counselors-in-Training (CITs)
The goal of the CIT program is to give those between the ages of 17 and 18 the opportunity to learn and experience the responsibilities of being a counselor at the Antiochian Village.
As a CIT, you will have the opportunity to work with a host counselor, living in the cabin with that counselor and his/her campers for one session. While learning the ins and outs of being a counselor, your host counselor will help instruct and guide you through the session by allowing you to assist with the everyday responsibilities. Serving as a CIT will help you gain the practical skills necessary to carry out the duties of a counselor, camp policies and procedures, communication skills, and other applicable skills.

How to Apply
1. Review the Following
2. Apply Online
Please use the following link to complete our online CIT Application. A completed application is due by end of the day January 31st. If you have been a camper in the past and have any trouble logging in to your own account, please contact
NOTE: Please make your OWN profile and email address when applying for any staff/volunteer positions so that logging in can go smoothly.
3. Fill out Forms
All campers, staff and volunteers at AV need to receive an annual physical within 12 months of the camping session. The camp nurse will needs a Physician Form filled out by the primary care physician who administered the physical. You may start this process now. If offered a CIT position, please review, fill out, and upload the following forms to your registration (if you are selected you will be automatically registered online for Summer Camp):